Swimming in a purple sea
My voice is hoarse from irony
The moon cast high it's shadow grim
The stars shine bright in spite of him
And yellow fish are flying by
Their eyes are wide i don't know why
And sterling silver pours from above
Tell me that it won't be long
And I don't know my right from wrong
And tell me that I cannot see
When you're right there in front of me
And I can't seem to read the lines
My visions blurred by dandelions
It doesn't matter anyway
Its coop's song just mine for today
First things first the mind is high
And music let's the process fly
The water creeping up my thigh
It's cold as ice, it's wet as dry
A drifting plane appears on high
The headlights spear the murky sky
And we cannot be sure we're sane
Is that a sky or a sea plane
Dazedly we gasp and then
The sea plane shows its face again
A horn sound like the call of whale
Lionfish and blocky tail
We sink under the water's glow
The heartbeat sounds like hammer blows
And just when nerves begin to flow
Back again, the sea plane goes
Sea plane
Sea plane
Sea plane