Left, right, left, right, head screwed up tight
You little snowflakes on your parade
You eat your bread without the sweat, nothing stings like regret
Can't you see how you've been played
Right, left, right, left, bitch until there's nothing left
Skin so thin, so quick to chafe
And if anybody bites back, righteous coward's heart attack
Shout 'em down and make you feel safe
This will only hurt for a bit, we've got the cure for you
Doctor's orders, take in the morning, we've got the pill for you
Like the music of the spheres, carved in stone -
You'll reap of the seeds you've sown
Those who would put a clown's boot on the necks of men
Should beforehand ponder what awaits them in the end
Intoleration, castration, pointing finger condemnation
But it's yourself you hate even more
Conceited little sad sack, pat yourself on the back
Among every man's a bitch and every girl's a whore
Your tantrums have run uncontrolled, now you need your plug pulled
Never, never, never would you be reproved
Left, right, left, right, forced march all night
This cancer has to be removed
This will only hurt for a bit, we've got the cure for you
Doctor's orders, take in the morning, this is the pill for you
Our compassions know no limits, we've got the cure for you
It's on us, as luck would have it, this is the pill for you
This is the pill for you