They yell whine, yell, snear and vary from the slightest whisper to a thunderous shout
There may be one particular voice or often a few voices and occasionally, many
As in bicameral civilizations, they are recognized as gods
There's no person there, no point of space from which the voice emanates
A voice that you cannot back off from.
As close to you as everything you call you.
When it's presence eludes all boundaries
When no escape is possible
Flee and it flees with you
A voice unhindered by walls or distances
Undiminished by muffling one's ears nor drowned out with anything
Not even one's own screaming
How helpless the hearer!
And if one belongs to a bicameral culture
Where the voices were recognized as the utmost top of the hierarchy
Taught you as gods, kings and majesties that owned you head, heart and foot
The omniscient, omnipotent, voices that could not be categorized beneath you
How obedient to them, the bicameral man!
Suddenly, clearer, deeper and even louder than before
The deep voice came at me again. Right in my ear this time
And getting me tight and shivery inside
Parker Simpson
I told you before
You weren't any good
Why are you sitting here making me believe you are as good as anyone else here when you're not
Whom are you fooling?
You're no good
You've never been any good or use on earth
There is the ocean
You might just as well drown yourself
Just walk in
And keep walking
As soon as the voice was through, I knew by its cold command I had to obey it