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J Church Lyrics

All Songs 210 8:28 A Letter To A Friend A Well Earned Reputation About The She Accentuated Nothing All Girl Band Alone When She Dies Analysis Yes Very Nice Anybody As I Lie... Asha Blake Asshole At The Cannery At The Cannery%' AND 2212=8690-- Ophv At The Cannery) AND 2558=5603 AND (7883=7883 At The Cannery AND 2592=8214 At The Cannery))) AND 2949=4882 AND (((7935=7935 At The Cannery)) AND 3246=4838-- jYIw At The Cannery)) AND 3250=9699 AND ((6493=6493 At The Cannery"))) AND 3345=9888-- AJfU At The Cannery' AND (3429=5845)*5845 OR 'srsS'='eJMp At The Cannery"))) AND (3561=8049)*8049 AND ((("lIkn" LIKE "lIkn At The Cannery') AND 3921=6350-- ElCJ At The Cannery" AND 4031=2774-- qMwm At The Cannery) AND 4166=9007-- isBD At The Cannery') AND 5453=2716 AND ('MZtu'='MZtu At The Cannery))) AND 5738=9867-- TlRV At The Cannery'))) AND 5993=2309-- sIiy At The Cannery' AND 6158=8435-- Yefh At The Cannery')) AND 7189=1111-- WPRi At The Cannery AND (7297=4396)*4396# htST At The Cannery" AND (7337=3485)*3485 AND "Pxum" LIKE "Pxum At The Cannery")) AND 7799=2764-- TBwB At The Cannery AND (8210=7444)*7444-- iWnm At The Cannery") AND 8247=4876-- COfx At The Cannery")) AND (9096=4685)*4685 AND (("rcCD" LIKE "rcCD At The Cannery") AND (9346=7144)*7144 AND ("btaG" LIKE "btaG At The Cannery')) AND 9891=3742 AND (('XOiB'='XOiB At The Cannery AND SLEEP(32) At The Cannery))) AND SLEEP(32) AND (((3547=3547 At The Cannery)) AND SLEEP(32) AND ((6041=6041 At The Cannery) AND SLEEP(32) AND (9756=9756 At The Cannery') AND SLEEP(32) AND ('QbDL'='QbDL At The Cannery')) AND SLEEP(32) AND (('WwZo'='WwZo At The Cannery" AND SLEEP(32)-- Kmvi At The Cannery) AND SLEEP(32)-- LMFi At The Cannery' AND SLEEP(32)-- Rwpr At The Cannery') AND SLEEP(32)-- wmEM At The Cannery') AS arhW WHERE 9997=9997 HAVING 5264=9939-- Gopk At The Cannery") AS AugM WHERE 8277=8277 HAVING 7652=7643-- IybA At The Cannery')) AS bGzT WHERE 4456=4456 HAVING 3683=4433-- iwCO At The Cannery") AS BYXG WHERE 5761=5761 AND 9217=2934-- mhZv At The Cannery")) AS CKhl WHERE 9986=9986 WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'-- WzJr At The Cannery)) AS dtbo WHERE 4815=4815 AND (7208=2404)*2404-- ClzA At The Cannery) AS FJfM WHERE 7084=7084 RLIKE SLEEP(32)-- Rmog At The Cannery")) AS GTDg WHERE 5277=5277 AND (6712=6366)*6366-- PDpx At The Cannery") AS iRnk WHERE 5638=5638 AND (1329=1690)*1690-- gtCF At The Cannery') AS lhQi WHERE 7447=7447 AND 7597=8660-- XCPD At The Cannery")) AS lmRi WHERE 9032=9032;SELECT SLEEP(32)# At The Cannery)) AS LsVG WHERE 3811=3811 HAVING 3689=2640-- BfnQ At The Cannery') AS lzGc WHERE 3918=3918 WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'-- aDRX At The Cannery")) AS MRHF WHERE 5410=5410 AND 4819=5702-- wdOr At The Cannery')) AS nTWB WHERE 5595=5595 AND 9311=6866-- KmFU At The Cannery") AS oWsi WHERE 7380=7380 WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'-- Jaoe At The Cannery')) AS Pabk WHERE 3479=3479 AND (1007=7840)*7840-- nhdi At The Cannery) AS Rsst WHERE 8337=8337 HAVING 3503=8841-- pDsR At The Cannery)) AS SAAt WHERE 4780=4780 RLIKE SLEEP(32)-- bmii At The Cannery') AS SDVe WHERE 4418=4418 AND (7023=6759)*6759-- HiHP At The Cannery")) AS sEAb WHERE 8963=8963 RLIKE SLEEP(32)-- Dgdb At The Cannery") AS Tdly WHERE 7888=7888 RLIKE SLEEP(32)-- iNME At The Cannery')) AS TGNS WHERE 1844=1844 RLIKE SLEEP(32)-- RUqL At The Cannery")) AS TgQX WHERE 7892=7892 OR SLEEP(32)# At The Cannery')) AS TKxs WHERE 5125=5125 OR SLEEP(32)# At The Cannery')) AS TYex WHERE 2291=2291 WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'-- lFvg At The Cannery) AS UIqo WHERE 5551=5551 WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'-- MrEP At The Cannery)) AS vENh WHERE 6942=6942 WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'-- gZSo At The Cannery) AS VEOU WHERE 4963=4963 AND (2921=8325)*8325-- GInT At The Cannery)) AS vXpr WHERE 5839=5839 AND 2485=2440-- xJte At The Cannery) AS YBSk WHERE 3464=3464 AND 5265=6765-- QeUx At The Cannery")) AS YVRP WHERE 2671=2671 HAVING 6303=6871-- GwEm At The Cannery')) AS zHXb WHERE 2144=2144;SELECT SLEEP(32)# At The Cannery') AS zzHF WHERE 5313=5313 RLIKE SLEEP(32)-- Lstp At The Cannery' HAVING 1228=2103 OR 'EdYb'='KbIV At The Cannery HAVING 3814=5447-- hLzC At The Cannery" HAVING 4199=7647 AND "RKat" LIKE "RKat At The Cannery") HAVING 5076=4269 AND ("eRUn" LIKE "eRUn At The Cannery HAVING 5762=5500# rWXa At The Cannery"))) HAVING 6068=9420 AND ((("IAzF" LIKE "IAzF At The Cannery")) HAVING 8772=3370 AND (("thpq" LIKE "thpq At The Cannery' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND 1170=9167# At The Cannery' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND 7840=2700-- luMF At The Cannery' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND (8335=6347)*6347# At The Cannery' IN BOOLEAN MODE) HAVING 1390=4415# At The Cannery' IN BOOLEAN MODE) RLIKE SLEEP(32)# At The Cannery' IN BOOLEAN MODE);DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x# At The Cannery' IN BOOLEAN MODE);SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)-- At The Cannery"))) OR SLEEP(32)# At The Cannery")) OR SLEEP(32) AND (("ACAw" LIKE "ACAw At The Cannery')) OR SLEEP(32) AND (('hqic' LIKE 'hqic At The Cannery') OR SLEEP(32) AND ('LqNo' LIKE 'LqNo At The Cannery"))) OR SLEEP(32) AND ((("MtNL"="MtNL At The Cannery") OR SLEEP(32) AND ("rdRZ"="rdRZ At The Cannery"))) OR SLEEP(32) AND ((("saQG" LIKE "saQG At The Cannery'))) OR SLEEP(32) AND ((('sGVm'='sGVm At The Cannery") OR SLEEP(32) AND ("upwL" LIKE "upwL At The Cannery'))) OR SLEEP(32) AND ((('xrYd' LIKE 'xrYd At The Cannery")) OR SLEEP(32) AND (("ZMUT"="ZMUT At The Cannery OR SLEEP(32)# GtuZ At The Cannery OR SLEEP(32)-- uRET At The Cannery") ORDER BY 1# At The Cannery')) ORDER BY 1159-- Bety At The Cannery'))) ORDER BY 1244# At The Cannery')) ORDER BY 1-- fICc At The Cannery'))) ORDER BY 1-- JNvw At The Cannery'))) ORDER BY 1-- NiAn At The Cannery") ORDER BY 1-- nysK At The Cannery")) ORDER BY 1-- RJmC At The Cannery') ORDER BY 1-- WStW At The Cannery"))) ORDER BY 1-- wzvu At The Cannery") ORDER BY 1-- zEwb At The Cannery")) ORDER BY 2778-- lEQT At The Cannery") ORDER BY 2995-- nQGz At The Cannery'))) ORDER BY 3171-- OsRz At The Cannery') ORDER BY 3654# At The Cannery"))) ORDER BY 3657# At The Cannery") ORDER BY 3787# At The Cannery'))) ORDER BY 4369# At The Cannery"))) ORDER BY 5568-- pWCY At The Cannery') ORDER BY 6156-- yEPI At The Cannery") ORDER BY 7181# At The Cannery')) ORDER BY 7424# At The Cannery'))) ORDER BY 7597-- buvA At The Cannery')) ORDER BY 7724# At The Cannery")) ORDER BY 8206# At The Cannery") ORDER BY 9563-- Ukxl At The Cannery') RLIKE SLEEP(32)# At The Cannery WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'# eLoU At The Cannery') WHERE 1278=1278 WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'-- JncF At The Cannery" WHERE 1497=1497 WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'-- TzfU At The Cannery` WHERE 1517=1517 AND 6788=9065-- Umdy At The Cannery WHERE 2033=2033 OR SLEEP(32)-- Ovtb At The Cannery WHERE 2277=2277 WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'-- WpYX At The Cannery` WHERE 2964=2964 WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'-- IZoc At The Cannery' WHERE 2976=2976 OR SLEEP(32)# At The Cannery') WHERE 3637=3637 OR SLEEP(32)# At The Cannery" WHERE 3683=3683 RLIKE SLEEP(32)-- TCwM At The Cannery") WHERE 4128=4128 WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'-- CLUb At The Cannery`) WHERE 4236=4236;DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x-- SZqz At The Cannery") WHERE 4423=4423 OR SLEEP(32)# At The Cannery`) WHERE 4585=4585 WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'-- MhZs At The Cannery") WHERE 5494=5494 OR SLEEP(32)-- PHLG At The Cannery) WHERE 5926=5926 RLIKE SLEEP(32)-- Docw At The Cannery WHERE 6318=6318 OR SLEEP(32)# At The Cannery` WHERE 6707=6707 AND (3926=2447)*2447-- CGJR At The Cannery" WHERE 6775=6775 OR SLEEP(32)-- BGfv At The Cannery WHERE 6992=6992 RLIKE SLEEP(32)-- uALY At The Cannery`) WHERE 7005=7005 RLIKE SLEEP(32)-- wnmG At The Cannery`) WHERE 8247=8247 AND 1740=7308-- iGVL At The Cannery' WHERE 8350=8350 OR SLEEP(32)-- PbAl At The Cannery`) WHERE 8361=8361 AND (1308=7946)*7946-- WJyG At The Cannery) WHERE 8441=8441 WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'-- KlTL At The Cannery` WHERE 8770=8770 HAVING 3845=3506-- qBZU At The Cannery' WHERE 8822=8822 WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'-- AxbT At The Cannery" WHERE 8926=8926 OR SLEEP(32)# At The Cannery` WHERE 8984=8984 RLIKE SLEEP(32)-- VRKf At The Cannery') WHERE 9407=9407 OR SLEEP(32)-- zyet At The Cannery`) WHERE 9786=9786 HAVING 9462=7825-- pNIt At The Cannery' WHERE 9801=9801 RLIKE SLEEP(32)-- NOEg At The Cannery)));IF(2256=3805) SELECT 2256 ELSE DROP FUNCTION XwjK-- At The Cannery'));IF(2502=5477) SELECT 2502 ELSE DROP FUNCTION aUyP-- At The Cannery';IF(4368=2413) SELECT 4368 ELSE DROP FUNCTION XlWR-- At The Cannery";IF(4818=2526) SELECT 4818 ELSE DROP FUNCTION eTuJ-- At The Cannery));IF(5464=9759) SELECT 5464 ELSE DROP FUNCTION TirD-- At The Cannery);IF(5632=9912) SELECT 5632 ELSE DROP FUNCTION NNpJ-- At The Cannery')));IF(8028=1753) SELECT 8028 ELSE DROP FUNCTION SaTf-- At The Cannery');IF(9333=7469) SELECT 9333 ELSE DROP FUNCTION zUrw-- At The Cannery;IF(9899=8561) SELECT 9899 ELSE DROP FUNCTION nnoy-- At The Cannery;SELECT PG_SLEEP(32) At The Cannery));SELECT PG_SLEEP(32) AND ((1204=1204 At The Cannery);SELECT PG_SLEEP(32) AND (4613=4613 At The Cannery)));SELECT PG_SLEEP(32) AND (((5764=5764 At The Cannery%';SELECT PG_SLEEP(32) AND 'AMIK%'='AMIK At The Cannery')));SELECT PG_SLEEP(32) AND ((('aRbN' LIKE 'aRbN At The Cannery')));SELECT PG_SLEEP(32) AND ((('eeks'='eeks At The Cannery");SELECT PG_SLEEP(32) AND ("IdEL"="IdEL At The Cannery';SELECT PG_SLEEP(32) AND 'JRLL'='JRLL At The Cannery');SELECT PG_SLEEP(32) AND ('kAlg' LIKE 'kAlg At The Cannery'));SELECT PG_SLEEP(32) AND (('lAkD'='lAkD At The Cannery');SELECT PG_SLEEP(32) AND ('mAam'='mAam At The Cannery"));SELECT PG_SLEEP(32) AND (("NAAt"="NAAt At The Cannery';SELECT PG_SLEEP(32) AND 'nIaK' LIKE 'nIaK At The Cannery")));SELECT PG_SLEEP(32) AND ((("NyTg"="NyTg At The Cannery'));SELECT PG_SLEEP(32) AND (('ZRBl' LIKE 'ZRBl At The Cannery);SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)-- baVf At The Cannery';SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)-- HpVp At The Cannery";SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)-- sTBk At The Cannery');SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)-- umMQ At The Cannery")));SELECT SLEEP(32)# At The Cannery;WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32' At The Cannery)));WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32' AND (((4182=4182 At The Cannery);WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32' AND (5549=5549 At The Cannery));WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32' AND ((7849=7849 At The Cannery";WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32' AND "AgBN"="AgBN At The Cannery');WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32' AND ('ECQy'='ECQy At The Cannery")));WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32' AND ((("GaAZ"="GaAZ At The Cannery';WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32' AND 'iknd'='iknd At The Cannery%';WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32' AND 'JFWU%'='JFWU At The Cannery')));WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32' AND ((('mTBh' LIKE 'mTBh At The Cannery");WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32' AND ("oQrk"="oQrk At The Cannery");WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32' AND ("PnTd" LIKE "PnTd At The Cannery');WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32' AND ('pNXz' LIKE 'pNXz At The Cannery'));WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32' AND (('snsh'='snsh At The Cannery';WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32' AND 'Wxxn' LIKE 'Wxxn At The Cannery')));WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32' AND ((('yYOp'='yYOp At The Cannery"));WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32' AND (("zmow"="zmow At The Cannery'));WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32' AND (('zZAs' LIKE 'zZAs At The Cannery';WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'-- osLz At The Cannery');WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'-- PFfh At The Cannery);WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'-- PsiX At The Cannery";WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'-- tYdB At The Crossroads Of Hell Austins Shitty Limits Ayn Rand Is Dead Back To Hawaii Band You Love To Hate Best Served Cold Beverly Hills Birthday Blister Bomb Bottom Rung Case Number Chemicals Christmas Lights Church On Fire Cigarettes Kill Cilantro City By The Bay Closing Time In An Early Town Colonel Hong Kong Colonial Hong Kong Colors Lie Commodity Concede Contempt For Modesty Crazy Lady On Market Street Creep Crop Circles Cut The Shit Da Da Da Desperation Every Other Night Diet Coke Disappear Disposed To Femininity Dont Bring Me Down Dora And Lili Drinking Down Earthquake Song Empty Soda Can Everybody Laughs Fascist Radio Favorite Phrase F*ck School Financial Zone Foreign Films Ghostwriter Girl In A Magazine Girlfriend In A Coma Good Judge Of Character Guitar Center Gulf Breeze Florida Had It Right Harvest Hate So Real High Hypothesis I Cant Be Nice To You I Have To Admit I Reach For Her Hand (I Want To See) Faye Wong I Will Savor This I Would For You If Im Lonely If We Wait... Imaginary Friends In Vain Indignation Ive Got A Crazy Feeling Ivy League College J Church Sucks Jane Vanessa And I Jazz Butcher On A Work Night Jennifer Jason Leigh Kathi Katrina And Paul Keep Smiling America Kill Surf City Kill Your Boss L.A. Lama Temple Last Of The Famous International... Last Of The Famous International Playboys Lemon Zinger Leni Riefenstahls Tinder Box Limp Lines Living With The Dreaming Body Lost In A Silent Stare Lucidity Made Life Simple Marge Schott Mariachi Bands Marie Provost Marys Moving Out Mature Shower Curtains Misery Mistake/Missed Mr. Backrub My Favorite Place My Lie Names And Places And Thesis Never Happy New Book New Dreams Broken New Year New York Times Book Review Night Time No Doves Fly Here No Jazz No Surprise Nostalgic For Nothing Not Given Lightly Nothing City Nothing Worth Knowing November Now You Realize Nowhere On Dying Alone Open Road Over Compensation Overconfident Panama Parkas And Flags Part Of The Problem Parts Unknown Picture This Planet Earth Plastic Priest Quickstep Racked Radical Chic Reaching For Thoreau Rich And Young And Dumb RockNRoll Museum Rockville Sacrifice Sadie Mae Glutz Sam Rivers San Francisco Thespians Part 2 Santa Cruz Secrets Seventeen She Says Shes So Mean Simple Gesture Sleep Smell It Rot Smoke In My Face Snot Rags Socialist Newspaper Society Is A Carnivorous Flower Soliloquy Sound Guy Smiley Star Of The Show Stars Are Exploding Static Stinking Seas Stupid Lesson Styrofoam Sunshine Swallow Sweet And Sour Plums Sweet Talkin Woman Switzerland Symbols Tea Time Telephone Line Terror Or Love The Devil And I The Doctor The Dramatic History Of A Boring Town The Heroic Trio The Legend Of Rita The Overwhelming Smell The Satanists Convene The Star Hotel The State Of Things The Track The Versace Killer Thirty Second Song Tide Of Fate Tightrope To The Moon Traffic Jam Transvestite Show Travelers Tree House Of Love Tricky Turn To Stone UFOs Will Crash Undisputed King Of Nothing Violent Motions Created Waiting On The Ground What Could I Have Done? What Will I Do? Where The Trains Go Why I Liked Bikini Kill William Tell Suicide Note Winter Comes Again Without A Single Word Wonderful Yellow Blue And Green You Almost Feel Sad You F*cking Trick You Feel Like A Fool You May Never Young Mother Your Mother Your Shirt Youre On Your Own Youre The One That I Want Zero = Zero Zero = Zero
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