Have you ever been in one of them situations|when all you need's a cold beer vacation|so you ice down the cooler get the good times rollin|the first thing ya do before ya crack one open||Put it in a koozie keep it real cold|if it gets hot well it gets hot slow|you can sip on it or drink it down fast|won't last a day but it might last a half|it can be spherical folded at the seams|a pocket size miracle made of neoprene|or you can go foam if you're more old school|it's a bit bulky but the beer stays cool|if ya put it in a koozie|put it in a koozie||Twelve, sixteen, twenty four, or forty,|bottles and cans, domestic or imported|come in all colors different shapes and sizes|in case you done forgot I'm here to remind ya||Put it in a koozie keep it real cold|if it gets hot well it gets hot slow|you can sip on it or drink it down fast|won't last a day but it might last a half|it can be spherical folded at the seams|a pocket size miracle made of neoprene|or you can go foam if you're more old school|it's a bit bulky but the beer stays cool|if ya put it in a koozie||A bare naked beer oughtta be against the law|it's indecent exposure of alcohol|well||Put it in a koozie keep it real cold|if it gets hot it gets hot slow|you can sip on it or drink it down fast|won't last a day but it might last a half|it can be spherical folded at the seams|a pocket size miracle made of neoprene|or you can go foam if you're more old school|it's a bit bulky but the beer stays cool|if ya put it in a koozie|put it in a koozie|yeah hug it real tight alright all night won't get frost bite|if ya put it in a koozie|put it in a koozie|put your boozie in a koozie|just put it in a koozie|