Fauci's got you by the balls
Live your life and don't be a bitch
Take the mask off and just quit
Fight and take control of this shit
Always a new strain for our society
Lockdowns, mask, jabs, more conformity
I'll raw dog oxygen, it's my liberty
Unf*ck yourself from covid tyranny
Force me to mask and submit?
Better make cigs illegal then you bitch
And you drink and eat like shit?
Go lift some weights and get hella fit
Leave me the f*ck alone you big pussytit
Hell yeah
It's my body and my right to choose
Oh by the way, I'm pro-choice, too
Can't play that game on me like you do
Don't force that jab, I won't follow rules
Hell yeah
Don't let them f*ck with freedom
Don't let them f*ck with your freedom