All my friends are getting internships and jobs
While I just sit at home, and write my songs, feeling like a slob
And trying not to forget to sing from my diaphragm
One thing's for certain, yes, I'm having lots of fun
Even though I can't remember the last time I saw the sun
If I'm being honest it was probably on Instagram
Am I wasting my time
Trying to come up with clever rhymes
But how I spend my summer is none of your business
I will make my summer what I want it to be
Who cares about making money or physical fitness
How I spend my summer is up to me
I wake up, the static buzzes in my head
I drag myself downstairs, but all the words elude me 'til I'm dead
So I blame it on jet lag from three weeks ago and try again later
So maybe I should study something else in school
Like economics or biology
But hey, at least my friends think I'm cool
I mean it's fine I guess I always wanted to be a waiter
I'm definitely wasting my time
Trying to come up with clever rhymes
Oh well
How I spend my summer is none of your business
I will make my summer what I want it to be
Who cares about making money or physical fitness?
How I spend my summer is up to me
Doesn't mean I won't go to the beach
Or do normal people things like sleeping and eating
But you got to admit that it's hard when all of the fires you're desperately feeding
Are being stifled by the crippling weight of reality
But that's okay
'Cause how I spend my summer is none of your business
I will make my summer what I want it to be
Who cares about making money or physical fitness
How I spend my summer is up to me
How I spend my summer is none of your business
I will make my summer what I want it to be
Who cares about making money or physical fitness
Actually I do care about those things
Darn it
Well, there's always next summer