Away from the sound
The rarest of worlds
So far off the ground
It swirls
Infinitely found
The blue waterfall
Look around
But don't fall
I wanted to stay
Cause why should i leave
When it was so hard
To breathe
Time isn't there
And neither are you
But this air
Could turn blue
Please get me away
Help me escape
Teach me a Name
Reset the day
Wait there for me
Traipsing the streets
Aching your feet
Then, when i'm awake
We'll go to stay
Glimpsing the way
To freeze ourselves in place
That's where we'll be
Wait and see
Where happiness lies
In back of your mind
You know
You missed it again
You wish for the end
But no lens
To see in the night
To stare at the stars
But something is right
At heart
A ghost of a grin
A trace of a Hope
You begin
To come home
I've gone south
Lost without
Loss of doubt
And old ways out
Please get me away
Help me escape
Teach me a Name
Reset the day
Wait there for me
Traipsing the streets
Aching your feet
Then, when i'm awake
We'll go to stay
Glimpsing the way
To freeze ourselves in place
That's where we'll be
Wait and see