I've been thinking recently about your laugh
And all the ways it f*cks me up
Every song I wrote for you is an epitaph
Filling all the space on your headstone up
And I'm wondering if you ever really died at all
Or if I've been seeing things again
I wasn't there to catch you when you took your fall
You always said the ocean was the place you'd shed your skin
If suffocation feels like a lover's touch
I welcome this absence of life
And if drowning just feels like I'm drinking you in
The bottom of the ocean seems a good place to die
I've become what I hate the most
Dependent on what makes me bleed
So raise your glass, make a toast
To living and dying and what comes inbetween
And I wear shame like a mask
I'm complacent with burning alive
And I've got just one thing to ask
When I'm dead, just let me die
Some say that when people die they disappear
Never to be seen again
Well, love, I hope they're lying because my worst fear
Is losing my only friend
And when I leave this rotting earth
I'll tell God to go f*ck himself
Because he stole you away from me
And caused you the pain you felt
And, darling, I won't ever forget
The light that was in your eyes
And when we lay you down to rest
I spoke your name, and it cracked the sky