If you've gotten this far, then you need to listen closely
Our idea of a hero is directly related to the fairy tales we were told as a kid
Our Superman's are Bold
Our Supermans are Brave
While the end result of a hero's journey most certainly is that
The making of a hero is much more complicated
Shannon Adler said "Heroes are born"
Well Mrs. Adler, you're wrong
Heroes are developed through there reactions to there circumstances
Hero's are made by enduring life's worst experiences
A hero is made as he navigates and overcomes the obstacles that God has put before him
Our hero had his heart ripped out by someone he would give his own life for
He had long extended periods of isolation and bullying from the individuals around him
Our hero was so focused on the pain of the experience that he couldn't picture a journey
He felt genuine remorse over the consequence of his actions
And he accepted the divine purpose laid out for him
What did he do with that chance? You'll have to wait and see