I will turn my ear and incline my heart
To hear Your still, gentle voice
I want to be able to recognize You
In the midst of the world's constant noise
I will turn my ear and incline my heart
To hear Your still, gentle voice
I want to be able to recognize You
In the midst of the world's constant noise
Quietly, You speak to my inner man
Tenderly, You tell me Your will
Lovingly, You lead me showing which way to go
As I listen for Your Word to fulfill
I will give You all that I have to give
As I journey on with You
I want all I am to be totally surrendered
To You and Your truth
To You and Your will
So, I will turn my ear and incline my heart
To hear Your still, gentle voice
I want to be able to recognize You
In the midst of the world's constant noise
Quietly, You speak to my inner man
Tenderly, You tell me Your will
Lovingly, You lead me showing which way to go
As I listen for Your Word to fulfill
And I will give You all that I have to give
As I journey on with You
I want all I am to be totally surrendered
To You and Your truth
To You and Your will
I surrender all to You
I surrender all to You