Most people nowadays say I have no time
Of course you don't
Because you're not aware of the present
You know the present is represented on your watch by a hairline
It is as thin as possible as is consistent with visibility
So everybody thinks the present is
Instead of
Now the present is the only real time
There is no past
And there isn't a future
And there never will be
We think ordinarily of the present as an infinitesimal point at which the future changes into the past
And we also do a terrible thing
We imagine ourselves to be results of the past
We don't realize that the past is caused by the present
But we've all got excuses
But the truth of the matter is it all begins here
This is where
It's much better to have a present
Because if you don't it's useless to make plans
Because when they work out you won't be there to enjoy them
You'll be thinking of something else
We don't even realize that we are living out of now and throwing the past behind us
When we say we want to put something down we say it has no future
Well do you???