The pleasure completed
Can I let myself receive it
Grab me by the face to feel at home
In my bed depleted
Close my eyes but I don't need it
Didn't know my legs could make me run
But how can I accept love cutting through me
If I need to feel alone to feel my life moving
I check what I have checked on my to-do list
Write some more, go outside and then I get stuff
And get stuff done
You get stuff
And you get stuff done
My down time is deceiving
Wrote the words that I'm reading
I know I won't commit to anything if I try
The lighting is annoying
Not to mention really boring
I'll just find a sweet spot in the park
It looks so good in the water
I let it go just walk through the
I saw the sun coming down and I ran
Not really far away but I get stuff,
And get stuff done