My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue
An everlasting vision of the everchanging view
A wondrows woven magic in bits of blue and gold
A tapestry to feel and see, impossible to hold
Once amind the soft silver sadnessin the sky
There came a man of fortune, a drifter passing by
He wore a torn and tattered cloth around his leathered hide
And a coat of many colors, yellow-green on either side
He move with some uncertainty, as if he didn't know
Just what he was there for, or where he ought to go
Once he reached for something golden hanging from a tree
And his hand come down empty
Soon within my tapestry along the rutted road
He sat down on a river rock and turned into a toad
It seemed that he had falleninto someone's wicked spell
And I wept to see him suffer, tough I didn't know him well
As I watched in sorrow, there suddenly appeared
Afigure gray and ghostly beneath a flowing beard
In times of deepest darkness, I've seen him dressed in black
Now my tapestry's unravelling; he's come to take me back
He's came to take me back