Gage is stinky and you know thats a fact
Obese shaggy just looks like a rat
"Oh my god i wash my clothes" first of all thats a big ol cap
Second of all your a big ol fat
I need to look at you with a map
You are blind like a bat
You clean you self like a cat
Kaden your back looks like mountain cap
F*ck boi hawaiian tryhard tink hes all tap
I need a map to look at your back
Its 12 pm while making this rap
Leyroy kubota thats a big ol simp
He just wants someone to lick his shrimp
When hes booting people he thinks hes a pimp
He stays up all night to talk to his imp
Max is a big ol sphere
When hes not simping he sheds a tear
Healthy food and salads he really fears
When i see him running food is near
Coco carreo is gay
Coco carreo is gay
Coco carreo is gay
Coco carreo is gay
Tua is a monkey and he has no more money
All he likes to eat is big ol honey
He looks like a bunny
He also is not funny