Sticky and sweet, this red, running heat
Transfuses muses and makes pretty bruises.
Oft inciting leech behaviors,
Comes in a range of rust flavors:
O positive! O negative!
Oh the potpourri of A and B!
Blood's great, real or fake!
Lick your wounds and order a big, rare steak.
Inside your vein 'tis monsters who reign,
Wee creatures plotting for your next blood clotting ~
Hemo-goblins apple bobbin'
At parteries for hob-nobbin' ~
Dance beats thumping, iron pumping.
Heebies and jeebies! Plasma TVs!
They sail vessels sure,
Landing at banks on the waves of pressure.
And those who suck are in mighty luck ~
This wine, this head rush makes the cheeks and ears blush.
Rose bouquets and ruby slippers
Drip like secrete lovers' whispers.
Kisses tickle as they trickle,
Tasty spots and specks on long, white necks.
So drains pulsing blood ~
Transylvanian cocktail from the heart's thud.