They call me unstable, but I won't break
They throw their stones, but I won't shake
I've been through fire, I've been through pain
Yet here I stand, I'll rise again
You think I'm losing, but watch me lead
I'm a different kind, I plant the seed
For every word they try to twist
I'm standing strong, I still exist
I'm unstoppable, unshakable
You can't define me, I'll never fall
I'm not the one to fear the fight
I speak my truth, I'll own the night
They say I've got an unsound mind
But strength like this is hard to find
I speak the truth, I won't be quiet
In every storm, I start a riot
You're not used to fire in my words
But I won't fly with the common birds
I rise above, I lead with pride
This unsound mind won't run or hide
I'm unstoppable, unshakable
You can't define me, I'll never fall
I'm not the one to fear the fight
I speak my truth, I'll own the night
They call me unbecoming, but I shine
I lead with strength, this power's mine
They say my words are just too bold
But I won't bend, I won't be sold
I'm not the kind to just obey
I carve my path, I make my way
And if they push, I push back harder
This is my truth-I'm no martyr
I'm unstoppable, unshakable
You can't define me, I'll never fall
I'm not the one to fear the fight
I speak my truth, I'll own the night
They say I'm unusual, out of line
But I'll keep climbing, this mountain's mine
I speak like you, the everyday
My words don't fade, they'll never sway
I won't be silenced, I won't hide
I fight with heart, I fight with pride
Let them gossip, let them scorn
I'm reborn in every storm
I'm unstoppable, unshakable
You can't define me, I'll never fall
I'm not the one to fear the fight
I speak my truth, I'll own the night
They call me unhinged, say I've lost my mind
But I'm a warrior, one of a kind
They twist my words, but I stand tall
I'll never back down, I'll never crawl
I'll fight for truth, I'll fight for me
And if they push, I'll set them free
From all their lies, I'll break the chains
I'm here to lead, I'll bear the reins
I'm unstoppable, unshakable
You can't define me, I'll never fall
I'm not the one to fear the fight
I speak my truth, I'll own the night
Unstable? No, I'm standing strong
Unsound? No, I know where I belong
Unbecoming? I break the mold
Unusual? I'm brave, I'm bold
Unhinged? I'm just unbreakable
I'm unstoppable, unshakable
You can't define me, I'll never fall
I'm not the one to fear the fight
I speak my truth, I'll own the night
I'm not just different-I'm unbreakable