I'd been looking years for you|thought you might be too good to be true|so I picked you up and held you to the light|ran my fingers over and over|for the sign of any flaws|put my money down and bet it all|how come God just put you in my path|if we weren't meant to last||I picked out the perfect place|where I could keep you safe|on the top shelf of my fragile beating heart|I let all my walls come down|cause I was so sure this time|I would always be yours and you'd be mine|how could God just put you in my path|if we weren't meant to last|| but nothing lasts| anything and everything can crack| sometimes it takes an avalanche| and sometimes you just tap||guess you never know what's right|no matter how you try|some things don't go the way we planned|I thought you were supposed to be|the one that was made for me|and I've gone crazy trying to understand|how God just put you in my path|if we weren't meant to last|