Raining of Gecko's blood
Lapis shower blinds my sight
Parched skin set its eyes ablaze
Smoldering meteorite
Enlightened me to a speck of Sumeru
Radiating a glint from the mighty webs
The rattle of his death throes echo through my mind
I find myself awakened in a deadly realm
Find a way out, find your own way out
Six seconds, sobering
Freed from that venom nightmare
Sleepwalking as a spider no more
Suffering feeds their sadistic hunger
Grown fat off tortured screams
Injected, like countless times before
Silken threads, bound together
Twisted into this horrid empire
Cages woven, joined together
Inescapable web surrounding all
Six senses, opened anew
There is no turning back
No more bound by cold-blooded codes
Eternally shedding my skin
Scar tissue exorcism
Expelling toxic trauma with every step
The gecko's noble rebellion
Cut short by merciless fangs
The fires reflected by gossamer bars
Forever burned into my mind
Condemned to embers and ashes, memories
Its death was not in vain
Alien to the Ungoliant tongue
There is no word for my kind
No roads, no signs, no maps, no end
Walking the uroboric path
No roads, no signs, no maps, no end
Shedding, consuming all I am