Whos the savior
You or god?
Within us all there is more power
We can tumble all the sour thoughts
We've been led to believe in the elites
Do what you want
Hug some trees
Like a hippy
But that's just another word
To describe a person
So we can treat them like they're worthless
Your face when I say that is like "f*ck that"
So closed off to the idea
Be free
Share your love with others
We can overcome these concepts
Unless you don't want to
Telling you to stick your minds in these foolish ideologies
There is Strength in unity
Strength for yourself
The will
Don't just look for the applaud
That's fraud
Leave it all behind if you're in it for the fame
Luxury will come when you're ready for it
Before you get ahead of yourself
Face what you've been leaving behind
Understand your mind
Create the world you want
No time for negative forces that keep you dragged down
Clowns all around, left to be astounded
And finally let yourself be free
Live the way you see the world
Be a painter a poet with purpose and passion
Your intention is everything
Don't do as they ask
Break yourself away
Repetitive phrases
But you'll be left in amazement