Dancer, you take the stage
Your music is made of grace
It's magic, I feel your embrace deep in my soul
Dancer, take my heart it's yours now
My joy my pain, tell me why,
Please do explain why do I feel so alone
Dance with me and tell me why
I can't hear your lullaby
Dance with me, I'm all yours now
Can't you see, you're my North Star
Dancer, you take the stage
Your music is made of grace
It's magic, I feel your embrace deep in my soul
Dancer, now I can hear you whisper
And suddenly the world's brighter
Hold my hand, I don't want to loose control
Dance with me and tell me why
I can't hear your lullaby
Dance with me, I'm all yours now
Can't you see,
Oh, I'm all yours
Dancer, when you take the stage
I break out of my cage
Oh, I'm all yours
I break out of my cage
Il dit, je ne pense qu'à vous, et lorsque je m'endors
Ce doux rêve revient encore et encore
Je déploie mes deux ailes, je viens vous chercher
Et nous dansons tous les deux sur la Voie lactée
Il se tait, je m'approche, je lui dis doucement
Ce n'était pas un rêve, nous y étions vraiment
Je me souviens de tout et de bien plus encore
Il me semble que vous êtes mon Étoile du Nord