It's just a song
Just another generic mid-paced foot-tapper
Just a conservative assembly of melody and basic rhythm.
A key change as a curve-ball for the unititiated...
I'm well aware it won't change a thing.
But ever the Kantian I won't be discouraged
by the apparent chasm between means and ends.
The kids and I who danced like we were sure
can always say maybe, just maybe, we were a threat.
So raise your f*cking eyebrow you f*cking coward.
Crawl home and compose your memoirs.
We haven't changed the world when we pack up the backline
but the sweat on the small of my back says at least I f*cking tried...
The kids and I who danced like we were sure declare
that this number is the end of your f*cking show
And this line is the end of your song
This song is the end of your set
This set is the end of your night
This night is the end of your youth.
You were so nearly there
But hipster-clad you didn't understand
that you have to partake in the sacrament of sound.
So grab your partners and nod your head,
arms folded at the back of the crowd.
But as you tap your feet to the beat of this song
Another second has passed
Another minute has gone
And as you acquiesce in growing older
you know that one day you'll hang your head
As you realize you heard it all but never listened to a word.
So go forward from this day and swear to me
you'll hear it all but always dance like you believe.