I use my ears to hear, and I use my nose to smell, and my fingers help me touch, touch, touch
I use my eyes to look at all the lovely things to see, and I use my mouth to taste munch, munch
It just makes sense that I've got five senses, cause I use my senses each and every day
I use them while I'm eating, and I use them while I'm learning, and I use them while I play, play, play
When I'm hiking in the woods, I listen to the wind, and the chirping of the birds, birds, birds
When my teacher reads a book, I look at all the pictures, and I listen to the words, words, words
When I help to make cookies, I feel the goofy batter, and smell them while they bake, bake, bake
And when they've all cooled down, it's time to have our snack, and I use my mouth to taste, taste, taste
I use my ears to hear, and I use my nose to smell, and my fingers help me touch, touch, touch
I use my eyes to look at all the lovely things to see, and I use my mouth to taste munch, munch
It just makes sense that I've got five senses, cause I use my senses each and every day
I use them while I'm eating, and I use them while I'm learning, and I use them while I play, play, play
Yes, it just makes sense that I've got five senses, cause I use my senses each and every day
I use them while I'm eating, and I use them while I'm learning, and I use them while I play, play, play