Your street is littered with houses, of people that|You've never met|Names that you would thought you'd remember|But knew you'd always forget|Memories stripped from the past|The questions that never got asked|Like a broken down car in an old parking lot|Means nothing at all but it's that you got|And the moment is slippin' away|The answers you give aren't that great|It's like all the you do it's just old and they're new|And they're lost||[Piping solo]||All of your mistresses lied|To save your relationships, save you from time|When you slip into knowing that nothing is going to|Kill you faster than life|In the end you're just moments away|From the chances you thought you might take|It's like all that you do is just old and then new and|Then lost|And the words that you tried hard to say get caught in||The noose that you make|It's like all that you do is just old and then new and|Then lost||In the end you're just moments away from the chances|You thought you might take|It's like all that you do is just old and then new and|Then lost (x3)||[Guitar solo]||( all that you are is not, all that you do's forgot,|Hold on to what you got (x2)||In the end you're just moments away from the chances|You thought you might take|It's like all that you do is just old and then new and|Then lost|Your street is littered with houses of people that|You've never met|Names that you thought you'd remember|But knew that you'd always forget|All that you are is not, all that you was forgot hold|On to what you got (x3)|Hold on to what you got (x4)|