Everybody dies
Nobody survives
Not everybody lives
This life is a just gift
Without a twist
It is what it is
Don't miss the boat
For the bucket list
Enjoy the Existential drift
Nobody knows why
Only the good young die
Thats why I'm still alive
I'm Looking to the sky
For Answers to my life
Asking the divine
Look me in the eye
And tell me I'll be fine
Time flies by
Like the speed of light
Blink of an eye
On the Brink of death On your last breath
Find the Strength to break a sweat
You can rest once you've left your silhouette
Try to get by
Don't Forget why
Don't turn a blind eye
To your mind's eye
Life down the drain
Spent on ball and chain
So much pain
Taking god's name in vein
If I could find the strength inside
I would take the steps to come alive
Know some things I can't control
Its not easy letting go almost impossible
Lifetime of suffering
Breaking down internally
Death is buffering
I'll been burning for eternity
My body is a temple
Shaken til it trembled
Hearing voices In my head
Seeing monsters under bed
I'm Out of my mind
Trapped in my head
Outside my body
Dead Like a zombie
Mob mentality
Meant to rob men mentally
The enemy of my enemy
Is a good friend to me
Strength in numbers
Hear the roaring thunder
From the world down under
Down under Did I stutter
More silence more violence
Learn the Science of defiance
Too reliant on the kindness
Innocence is Blindness
Indifferent to the bias
Ignorance at its finest
They Try to keep us quiet
Initial here and sign this
What are you fighting for
Rebel without a cause
People dying like water
Need a new world order
If I could find the strength inside
I would take the steps to come alive
Know some things I can't control
Its not easy letting go almost impossible
Torn between being
The Devil without horns
Or a rose without thorns
Thank our moms for being born
And our dads for fighting wars
Can't hide away from life
Do or die I gotta ride
I'll See you on the other side