I might appear old fashioned and I probably am
When I went out for dinner with a good old friend
We sat down and while we ordered our meal
Her telephone rang and flashed quite genteel
She gave me that "Sorry, it's important" look
And I nodded my head played around with my fork
While she was busy to explain him her point of view
I went outside to smoke a cigarette or two
Brave little phone you're ever so smart
We love you for listening and talking to our heart
Without a break you're working so hard
To connect all the people so smart - smart - smart
Never mind the one who's too close to be called
Came back to the table where she still gabbled on
For sure, her boyfriend was stuck to the phone
There was no doubt it could only be very urgent
So I won't interrupt this private act of convergence
Brave little phone...
Sitting right in front of you!