I got a thimble full of trouble an ocean full of good
Somedays I mix 'em up
Sometimes I'm out of touch
Sometimes I mix that up
I got an ocean full of trouble but, a Thimble full of care
Somedays I mix that up
Sometimes I'm out of touch
Somedays I mix it up
And why is it so hard for me to see
An ocean full of good just past the thimble full of trouble
It's just a thimble full of trouble
I got a hundred days of sunshine
Two days of rain
Somedays I mix that up
Why I hate the rain so much
Somedays I'm all mixed up
I got plenty on the table and some on the side
Sometimes I mix that up
Sometimes that's not enough
Somedays I'm all mixed up
And why is it so hard for me to see
The ocean full of good just past the thimble full of trouble
It's just a thimble full of trouble
May you count your many blessings
May you see what's good
Hold what you got
And only reach for what you should
And see the ocean full of good
Just past the thimble full of trouble
It's all in how we see
Sometimes it's all in how we see
Yeah, it's all in how we see