Yesterday, Tomorrow
Are only words today
So don't let passing sorrow
Rain on your parade
Here and now's the place to be
Being is the prize
You can play, don't need to win
You don't even have to try
You are the One awakening
You are the Light revealed
You are more than body bones and blood
You are Being, being healed
Wherever your path leads you
Be it near, or be it far
You are. You are
Wash away the ego
Wash away the pride
Learn to go with the flow
Life's an ocean, you're the tide
Enlightenment is meant for you
You were meant to be
Your life is the sacrament
You are purposeful, you see
You are me and I am you
Not the strangers we first thought
We are One, there is no two
There is nothing you are
We are the One awakening
We are a state of Grace
We are every road we've traveled on
We're the journey taking place
The Seeker who's the finder
Soon as all the seeking stops
We are. You are. You are