Eternal, behold an illuminated plane expands.
An enlightened space suddenly appears up ahead, reaching out from the beyond.
Temporaly aligned as it spontaneuosly unfolds before a
labyrinth of immense ancient design.
Inactivate the imperceptible alternatively static commune realm.
An activated cell resonated with an archetype delusion,
and an emerging emanated filament.
Infinitely an array of pulsing hues entertwined with a continuum,
emitting and glowing intricately.
Beginning with a prophetic miracle beamed from the unknown.
Parametrically manifested before them, be four three two one,
the Dimensional Metatron is a facscinating analogue,
from an Undulating subliminal Zebulon.
On and on and off the radar.
Memories of a timeline now pixelated.
A crystallizing abberant, and abberant calm.
Outrageously ephemeral techno-color transparently quadratic signals degrade.
Algorithms mutate and generate with virtually rotating complexities.
Crackling energy existentially superficially amuses aimlessly.
All will join and initiate.
Probabilities of reoccuring nodes and technically correct moratoriums.
Oddly leviatating and incorporeal as they replicate
just beneath the surface of reality.
Time is getting close. Read it in a post, of post apocolyptic haze.
Has the hour come?
In your heart you know whats coming, oh too soon.
In your head you feel it now ascending into place.
Immortal - One
Temporal - In
Forever - All
Eternal - In
Infinite - One
Virtual - In (Everyone and everything is here)
Universe - All
Together - In
Galactic - One
Alternate - In (All in one in all in one in all)
Entity - All
evolving - In
In your heart you know whats coming on too soon.
Not long before it will be arriving to be born.
Soon oh soon
Approaching closer now.
Slouching toward.
Just ahead, not long now.
Eternal Spiritus Mondo flows and radiates a utopian glow.
Data fibrils run overload until the end.
[Thanks to elvisrobot001 for adding these lyrics]