Every secret that you hide tightly
Implicate time ticking filled with sorrow
The smiling mask that you put on your face
Slowly become one as a joker make up
The buried disease has long been revealed as your despair
All those painful delusion becomes your way to stay alive
The time move on, your soul have long been gone.
Life goes on and tear our bond.
Dreams that should be real
Changes to story
I wish I was strong enough while wrote the thread
Your farewell letter makes me head over heel
Hard to let go, don't want to forget
Because that is the reason to stay alive
It looks like these moment happened just yesterday
So many memories played on my head
Your smile, your laugh, your love leaving a big scar from my lost
No one can prevent the future
It's paid by your death as ticket
Your tears, your struggle, your will power makes me powerless
Please dear don't hold a grudge against me.
Let alone the tears, wipe and face it sincerely.
I've been gave you a hectic life.
Move along, where happiness belong.
I wish I was strong enough while wrote the thread
Your last resort makes me head over heel
Maybe it's time for me, to move along
To somewhere I belong
Let's move along
To somewhere we belong