Tell the kids I'm ok
I'm thinking way too hard about you, you know
I keep count of the ways that I could end my life without this
I've tried, but I can't
Do the things you do
Say what I mean to
Tell me it's ok
Sorry it falls on you
Now that you have gone
I'll kick the demerol
Cause me and myself
We don't get along
Call it what it is, call it what it is
Cause I don't feel real now
So tell my why it is, tell me why it is
That I don't feel real now
I am making friends from this hospital bed
So look, I'll be fine
You know John in '08?
He just got out today
So look up, I'll try
So you go
Do the things you do
Say what you mean to
Swear that it's ok
Sorry it falls on you
Now that you have gone
Cigarettes and demerol
Cause me and myself we don't get along
Static goes through my brain
I'm thinking way too hard about this
Aren't I?