In the long march of humanity...
Time runs out for runabout lazybones
While he complains, the earth just groans
Getting ready to shake him off
The day is here and he can't feel it
He can't feel anything at all
For while he's waiting, he don't know it
A drunken stranger got inside him
Getting hold of his whirling wheel
And steers him on a reckless course
Steers him on a reckless course
In your eyes I can see it
The sunlight dims and the clouds start raining
And in your past you did forecast it
Times were hard and your nose went past it
But the day is here, I hear you groaning
Now it's you that's gotta show it
Will this pathetic idle creature
Pull up his socks and shake death off?
Or wait inside with teeth kicked out
While he picks his bleeding nose
While he picks his kicked in nose?
The day is here, he can't afford it
In his entrails the rot's set in
You better keep your wits about you
Save your dreams for someone else
Save your dreams for some place else
In your eyes I can see it
The sunlight dims and the clouds start raining
And in your past you did forecast it
Times were hard and your nose went past it
But the day is here, I hear you groaning
Now it's you that's gotta show it
Time runs out for runabout lazybones
While he complains
The earth just groans