Im so nervous Im so angry Im so sad Im so happy Hey lets share our feelings My oh my emotions and feelings Happy sad angry and nervous Thats all me When are you nervous I get nervous I get nervous When I meet a new friend But after we say hi and play together I dont feel nervous anymore Hey Its my turn now When do you get angry I get angry I get angry When my friends dont share the toys But when they share and take turns Thank you I dont feel angry anymore My oh my emotions and feelings Happy sad angry and nervous Thats all me When are you sad I get sad I get sad When I say goodbye to mom and dad Its okay see you later alligator Hey come and play Okay I dont feel sad anymore What makes you happy I am happy I am happy When I spend time with my loved ones I love my family and friends so much I am happy happy Yeah My oh my emotions and feelings Happy sad angry and nervous My oh my emotions and feelings Happy sad angry and nervous Thats all me We love you no matter how you feel