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Porter Wagoner - The Essential Porter Wagoner Album Lyrics

Porter Wagoner - The Essential Porter Wagoner Lyrics

A Satisfied Mind

How many ti-imes ha-ave you heard someone say
If I had his money I would do things my way
But little they know
That it's so hard to find
One rich man in te-en
With a satisfied mi-ind

Once I was wading in fortune and fame
Everything that I've dreamed for to get a start in li-ife's game
But suddenly it ha-appened
I lost every dime
But I'm richer by far-ar
With a satisfied mi-ind

Money can't buy-uy back your youth when you're old
Or a friend when you're lonely or a love that's grown co-old
The wealthiest person
Is a pauper at times
Compared to the ma-an
With a satisfied mi-ind

When li-ife has ended and my time has run out
My friends and my loved ones, I'll leave there's no doubt
But there's one thing for cer-ertain
When it comes my time
I'll leave this old wor-orld
With a satisfied mi-ind
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Writer: Red Hays, Jack Rhodes
Copyright: Lyrics © CARLIN AMERICA INC

Companys Comin

Oh Mama, I'm excited, I'm almost out of breath
What I saw like t'made me run myself to death
I was on the mountain side when I looked down below
And glory be I thought I'd better come and let you know
That we got company comin', company comin', we got company comin' up the road
They're down the road about a mile they'll be here in a little while
There's company comin' up the road

Well Granny change your apron and Willie shine your shoes
Sally put your new dress on we got no time to lose
I'll go find a welcome mat and spread it out with cheer
I don't know yet just who they are can't pick 'em out from here
But we got company comin' company comin' we got company comin' up the road
They're comin' up the mountain side Susie don't you run and hide
There's company comin' up the road

We'll run out to the henhouse and wring a neck or two
We'll have chicken and dumplings and some yellow gravy too
Grandpa get your fiddle down they might want a tune
Everybody hurry cause them folks will be here soon
We got company comin' company comin' we got company comin' up the road
Let them all shout out aloud they'll be here in a minute now
There's company comin' down the road

Oh we got company comin', company comin', we got company comin' up the road
Land a-goshen, shout now, they'll be here in a minute now
There's company comin' down the road
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Writer: Johnny Mullins

Eat, Drink and Be Merry (Tomorow You'll Cry)

Little heart, you've been broken many times before
But the wound always heals no matter how sore
But this time is different and I can't tell you why
Eat, drink and be merry tomorrow you'll cry

They say that time will erase all my sorrow
Well, I guess since I've lost you, I'll find out tomorrow
Be gay while she's with you, don't break down and cry
Eat, drink and be merry tomorrow you'll cry

A heart that is stricken with hate and with lies
Will soon be forsaken and left there to die
Well, I guess that's what happened, she said her goodbye
Eat, drink and be merry tomorrow you'll cry
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What Would You Do (If Jesus Came to Your House)

What would you do, what would you do
If Jesus came to spend some time with you

If Jesus came to your house to spend a day or two
If He came unexpectedly I wonder what you'd do
When you saw Him comin'
Would you meet Him at the door with arms outstretched and welcome
To your heavenly visitor
Or would you need to change some things before you let Him in
Like burn some magazines and put the Bible where they'd been
Would you let Jesus walk right in or would you rush about to hide your worldly music
And put some hymn books out
Oh, I know that you'd give your nicest room to such an honored guest
And all the food you would serve to Him would be the very best
And you'd keep assuring Him that you were glad to have Him there
That serving Him in your house was a joy beyond compare
But would your family conversation keep up its normal pace
And would you find it hard each meal to say a table grace
And what about the song would you sing, the books you like to read
Would you let Him know the things on which on your mind and spirit feed
Would you be glad to have Him meet your very closest friends
Or hope that they'd stay away until His visit ends
Would you take Him with you everywhere that you'd planned to go
Or maybe change your plans for just a day or so
Would you be glad to have Him stay forever on and on
Or sigh or sigh of great relief when finally he had gone
You know it might be interesting to know the things you'd do
If Jesus came in person to spend some time with you

What would you do, what would you do
If Jesus came to spend some time with you
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Writer: Hugh Ashley

Tryin To Forget The Blues

I'm havin' a hard time tryin' to forget the blues
They're playin' lonely music on the jukebox
The song they're singin' makes me want to cry
Cause it reminds that you've gone and left me I feel a teardrop comin' to my eyes
I'm havin' a hard time tryin' to forget the blues
I see two lovers laughin' in a corner they're in the booth I used to share with you
He looks at her like she was straight from heaven the very way I used to look at you
I'm havin' a hard time tryin' to forget the blues
[ steel ]
The tear that's in my eye is gettin' bigger I guess I'll have to go on home and hide
No want my friends to know how much you've hurt me
No want to show them how I feel inside
I'm havin' a hard time tryin' to forget the blues
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Writer: BRYANT

I Thought I Heard You Calling My Name

I said goodbye to you this morning with only these words to explain
I said I've found someone I love better but I still hear your voice call my name
I thought I heard you calling my name funny I still feel this way
Your voice seemed so close but I knew that by now you were many miles away

I walk through the streets of the city people passing by think it's so strange
I'm talking but there's no one beside me I thought I heard you calling my name
I thought I heard you
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Copyright: Lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc.

Your Old Love Letters

Today I burned your old love letters I burned them slowly one by one

Before I'd light the flame I'd read them to try and find the wrongs I done

The first you wrote me was the sweetest the last one broke my heart in two

And all alone I left you weeping for the ashes of your letters tied in blue

[ guitar ]

As I burned your old love letters I watched my dreams go up in smoke

I lived again those precious mem'ries I heard each tender word you spoke

The first you wrote me was the sweetest the last one said that we were through

Our love is there among the ambers in the ashes of your letters tied in blue
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Misery Loves Company

So break out the bottle bring on the crowd

Just gather round me cause misery loves a company

I've just left my home friends where I couldn't sleep

For missin' a woman that I couldn't keep

She just walked out and left me for somebody else

Now her memory keeps hauntin' me when I'm by myself

So break out the bottle bring on the crowd

Tell funny stories turn the jukebox up loud

Come on sit at my table where the drinks are on me

Just gather round me cause misery loves company

Now I'm not the first one who's lost everything

To a false hearted woman with a false hearted dream

But this is the first time I've suffered myself

Help me get over this love I'll get over next love all by myself

So break out the bottle...
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Copyright: Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, THE BICYCLE MUSIC COMPANY

Ive Enjoyed As Much Of This As I Can Stand

I've enjoyed as much of this as I can stand
You look lovelier tonight than I remember I'm so glad I got to see you once again
I've enjoyed just sitting down and reminiscing
But I've enjoyed as much of this as I can stand
So you say you're happy now you've found a new love
Tell him I said he's a lucky lucky man
No I don't think I'll have time to see his picture
I've enjoyed as much of this as I can stand
There's so much more between us than this table
All those years all those dreams all those plans
Guess you know without me saying I still love you
But I've enjoyed as much of this as I can stand
[ steel - el.banjo ]
There's so much more between us...
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Copyright: Lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc., CARLIN AMERICA INC

Sorrow On The Rocks

Just pour me sorrow on the rocks bartender sorrow on the rocks will do

I'm tryin' to drown my troubles so make it a double mhm mhm mhm

The seat of my pants is slick from my barstool and my hand's in the shape of a glass

My eyes look like a roadmap of Georgia and it's a shame I've lost my class

One broken heart can do strange things to a fellow who can't take pain

But in this hundred proof condition I'm in no position to take her back again

So pour me sorrow on the rocks...

Looks like the hair on my head ain't never met a comb and my face is a bearded mess

My hand shakes slightly and I have to walk lightly or I'll weave from right to left

The music on the jukebox don't mean a thing cause I'm too far gone for a song

I sure feel bad cause my baby ain't here and I'm sorry that I done her wrong

So pour me sorrow on the rocks...

So pour me sorrow on the rocks...
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Copyright: Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

Green Green Grass Of Home

The old hometown looks the same as I step down from the train

And there to meet me is my mama and papa

And down the road I look and there runs Mary hair of gold and lips like cherries

It's good to touch the green green grass of home

Yes they'll all come to meet me arms areached smiling sweetly

It's so good to touch the green green grass of home

The old house is still standing though the paint is cracked and dry

And there's that old oak tree that I used to play on

Down the lane I walk with my sweet Mary hair of gold and lips like cherries

It's good to touch the green green grass of home

Then I awake and look around me at these four grey walls that surround me

And I realize that I was only dreaming

For there's a guard and there's that sad old padre arm in arm we'll walk at daybreak

And again I'll touch the green green grass of home

They'll all come to see me in the shade of that old oak tree

As they lay me neath the green green grass of home
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Writer: Curly Putman
Copyright: Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

Ill Go Down Swinging

The one I love don't want me hanging round
All she does is put me on and put me down
Tonight she's with a stranger at a party in her home
And I'm here at the tavern gettin' stoned

'Cause if I gotta go, I'll go down swinging
Where there's lights and laughter, booze and blondes and lots of sad, sad singing
I'll sober up tomorrow and cry all day I know
At least I'll go down swinging what a swinging way to go

I'll dance with all the girls and buy the wine
Play the jukebox till I'm down to my last dime
She thinks she made a fool of me by loving someone else
She should see me make a fool out of myself

'Cause if I gotta go, I'll go down swinging
Where there's lights and laughter, booze and blondes and lots of sad, sad singing
I'll sober up tomorrow and cry all day I know
At least I'll go down swinging what a swinging way to go
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Copyright: Lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc., CARLIN AMERICA INC

Skid Row Joe

Skid Row Joe last night that's who I found in the dirty part of town

Lost forgotten with no place to go

Tormented with a bitter taste outcast by the human race

A mask of torture was the face of Skid Row Joe

He walked up to where I stood on the street

Said pardon me Mister now don't get me wrong I don't want your money

Though heaven knows I could use it

But you see this is my home and you see the other bar down the street

Well that's my home too

I noticed you starin' at me a while ago you recognized me didn't you

I said yeah Joe I know who you are

You was one time a real famous singing star one of my favorites

He said well I guess you heard they took my babies away from me

I said yeah Joe I read about it in the papers

Then he turned his head away and I saw the tears fall in the place

And he turned to me and he said you know Mister

This is the only place in the world that I'm not ashamed to show my face

But I'm gonna quit yes sir I'm gonna quit

And I'm gonna cut my hair and shave and get me a clean white shirt

Then I'm gonna walk up to her door

When she answers I'm gonna stand up real proud and tall

Then I'm gonna get on my knees

Then I'll say sweetheart if you'll take me back

I'll spend the rest of my life makin' up to you for what I've done

I'm so ashamed of myself and this I want you to know

Then I'm gonna take my two little babies and I'm gonna hold 'em so close to me

I ain't gonna never let 'em go

I guess I should've told him then that she'd already remarried again

But after hearin' what he'd said to me

Why there wasn't no way I could add to his misery

So I said good luck my best to you Skid Row Joe
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Copyright: Lyrics © SPIRIT MUSIC GROUP

The Cold Hard Facts Of Life

I got back in town a day before I'd planned to
I smiled and said I'll sure surprise my wife
I don't think I'll phone I'll just head on home
For I didn't know the cold hard facts of life
I passed a little winestore on the corner I pictured big champagne by candle light
I stopped the car right then got out and hurried in
My mind not on the cold hard facts of life
A stranger stood there laughing by the counter
He said I'll take two bottles of your best
Her husband's out of town and there's a party
He winkled as if to say you know the rest
I left the store two steps behind the stranger
From there to my house his car stayed in sight
But it wasn't till he turned into my drive that I learned
I was witnessing the cold hard facts of life
I drove around the block till I was dizzy each time the noise came louder from within
And then I saw our bottle there beside me
And I drank a fifth of courage and walked in
Lord you should've seen their frantic faces
They screamed and cried please put away that knife
I guess I'll go to hell or I'll rot here in the cell
But who taught who the cold hard facts of life
Who taught who the cold hard facts of life
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Copyright: Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

The Carroll County Accident

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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

Big Wind

From daylight till dusk, we've been a workin' in the dust
Pickin' cotton workin' side by side
Well, I can't forget yes, I remember yet
The way my daddy looked at me and cried

"Big wind's a comin' listen to the hummin'
Hurry up son be quick don't stall
You know we can't be slow, take the kids and get below
If we don't hurry it'll surely get us all"

Well, I ran across the field, so scared my lips was sealed
To warn my mom the storm is on its way
Well, I knew I'd won my race when I saw my mammy's face
And the way she looked at me and said

"Big wind's a comin' listen to the hummin'
Hurry up son be quick don't stall
You know we can't be slow, take the kids and get below
If we don't hurry it'll surely get us all"

Oh, but dad was on the cellar and by now the sky was yellow
The wind was a blowin' trees were fallin'
And outside I heard him cryin' and as he lay there dyin'
It seemed I could still hear him callin'

"Son big wind's a comin' listen to the hummin'
Hurry up son be quick don't stall
You know we can't be slow, take the kids and get below
If we don't hurry it'll surely get us all"

Big wind, big wind's a comin'
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Copyright: Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

The Last One to Touch Me

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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

What Aint To Be Just Might Happen

I've learned to live my life just a little bit lighter
Gonna look on the lonely days a little bit brighter
My heart's been throwed around it ain't done enough laughin'
What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen

It don't do no good (no good, no good) to worry none (worry none)
Just turns your hair gray while you're still young
Love can make you sing start your hands a clappin'
What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen

You can't never tell when love might find you
Could be miles away or right beside you
Some makes you hurt real bad some makes you happy
What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen

It don't do no good (no good, no good) to worry none (worry none)
Just turns your hair gray while you're young
Love can make you sing start your hands a clappin'
What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen

I had a love one time sent me out on a ledge
Fourteen stories high standin' on the edge
I don't want that kind no more to start my world a crackin'
What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen

It don't do no good (no good, no good) to worry none (worry none)
Just turns your hair gray while you're still young
Love can make you sing start your hands a clappin'
What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen
What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen
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Writer: Porter Wagoner
Copyright: Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

Highway Headin South

On a highway headed south somewhere to Dixie
Where the cotton blooms in spring and snow don't fly
I'm gonna rest these chilly bones in southern sunshine
And live where the weather's warm until I die

North Dakota you've got my better years Montana you've got five years of my life
But your subzero wind will never touch me again
Southern folks can't live on snow and ice
On a highway headed south...

When I cross the Dixie line I'll throw away my coat
And my goods down underwear will have to go
I'll never live again where the weather chills you to the bone
I'm tired of livin' like an Eskimo
On a highway headed south...
On a highway headed south...
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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

I Haven't Learned A Thing

[ Featuring Merle Haggard ]

Papa preached The Word in Texas
When I was just a very tiny boy
When a songbook and a bible
To me was just another church-pew toy
And I learned to pick the guitar
With those gospel songs that we always sang
Guess I heard ten-thousand sermons
But Lord, I guess I didn't learn a thing

I was pickin' in a nightclub
Just before I saw my nineteenth year
I was pickin' and singin' (I was pickin' my old guitar)
Learnin' that I loved the taste of beer
(Learnin' that I loved to drink that beer)
Oh, my mom she tried to tell me (my mom tried to tell me)
All the sorrow that drinkin' that stuff would bring
(All the sorrow that drinkin' that stuff would do)
And it must have been a thousand times (it must've been a thousand times)
Lord, I guess I didn't learned a thing (I never learned a thing)

I haven't learned a thing
Oh, I haven't learned a thing
I'm still lookin' for the answers
Lord, I guess I haven't learned a thing

By the time that I reached thirty
My hands would shake too much to make the cords
And if I took the remedy (and if I took the remedy)
The songs I sang would be just mumbled words
(All that I'd sing would be just a bunch of jumbled up words)
Now I'm singin' in a little mission (now I'm singin' in a, little mission)
The old time songs my papa used to sing
(All those old time songs my papa used to sing)
And I'm still lookin' for the answers
Lord, I guess I didn't learn a thing

I haven't learned a thing
Oh, I haven't learned a thing
But I'm still lookin' for the answers
Lord, I guess I haven't learned a thing
Yes, I'm still lookin' for the answers
God, I guess I haven't learned a thing
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Writer: Sonny Throckmorton
Copyright: Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

Performed By: Porter Wagoner
Length: 52:00
Released: April 26th, 1997
Year: 1997

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