The binding... of Isaac... is over!
Burning a body, A son is what you'll kill
If what you said would have to pass to please your father!
You're hearing lies in your head as a promise!
Whose will plead or pass with a heart beat?
Little Penance
Kill a pawn or dissent, don't you tell me
Be the victim
How dare you say this seems wrong to you!
The binding of Isaac is over!
The story you told was a lie!
The binding of Isaac is over!
The story you told was a lie!
Open your eyes and see it's just a heavy coat of
Paint that covers rust and blood it's over
Look them all in the eyes and remember
That with a belt and a smile they put this in you
Little pieces
Put together paint a picture of the truth
Killed innocence
You just wanted to see what I'd do...