Enthusiastic, oh yeah, one of the other great characteristics that leads to excellence and prosperity
Enthusiastic means to conduct yourself with a positive energy that's so visible, it's contagious to others
Enthusiasm creates a positive attitude in you, much like the conscientious character trait
When you're enthusiastic, you take pride in what you do. You do it with such glee and joyfulness
Enthusiastic people are even more confident, hopeful, or optimistic. Not too much gets them down
And whatever they do, they are always team players, high performers, and add value to any and every Environment they're in
Enthusiasm, it pays. In fact, I'll tell you, Winston Churchill said
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm
When enthusiasm is a key character trait, nothing will ever get you down
In the midst of a storm, you'll continue to smile. You'll stand tall. You'll be strong
Enthusiasm, enthusiastic, it will always leave you as the last one standing
Be enthusiastic