Choking chosen leave me with my broken thoughts
Lost apocryphal books, hide information from fools
No desecration, we're sons of Cain!
Nephilim, harvest the juiciest of virgins
Disobedience, the material body drives the alien insane
So drunk, can't take the anxiety, so perfect in states of supremacy where soul can change
Not what you know, so broke, the present shall take them wrong
From smoke came the cocks on virgins, the giant's balls broke them provoking the end of all things
So wrong
Now, now it's the shepherd raping the lamb
So it's the shepherd raping the land
Now see the shepherd mindlessly
Walk towards such corruption, the primitive man loves his wars till addiction
Choking chosen leave me with my broken thoughts
Not what you know! so drunk in this, leave me with my broken thoughts
Not what you know! so broken, leave me broke, that's the show!
Same so, same so old
Same so, same so, same so old