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Rolleen Carcioppolo Lyrics

All Songs By the Rivers of Babylon (Psalm One Hundred and Thirty-Seven) Come to Me (Matthew Eleven, Verses Twenty-Eight to Thirty) Cry of My Soul (Psalm One Hundred and Forty-Two) Delight Within (Psalm Thirty-Seven, Verse 4) Divine Promises (Second Peter One, Verse Four) Do Not Fear, My Friend (Isaiah Forty-One, Verse Ten) Forever Rising (Romans Eight, Verse Eleven) God's Divine Plan (Genesis Forty-One) Grace in the Desert (Genesis Twenty-Nine) Guided Light (Philippians Two, Verse Thirteen) Heavenly Transformation (Philippians Three, Verse Twenty-One) Heaven's Embrace (Genesis Forty-Eight) Hope and Light (Romans Fifteen, Verse Thirteen) Hope in Patience (Romans Eight, Verse Twenty-Eight) I Can Do All (Philippians Four, Verse Thirteen) Lay Your Worries Down (First Peter Five, Verse Seven) Lift My Eyes (Psalm One Hundred Twenty-One, Verses One and Two) Lift My Praise (Psalm One Hundred and Forty-Six) Light the World (Matthew Five, Verses Fourteen thru Sixteen) Love's True Light (John Three, Verse Sixteen) Masterpiece (Ephesians Two, Verse Ten) My Fortress (Psalm Fifty-Nine) New Creation (Second Corinthians Five,Verse Seventeen) Peace in the Storm (Isaiah Twenty-Six, Verse Three) Perfect Love (John Four, Verse Eighteen) Rise On Wings (Isaiah Forty, Verse Thirty-One) Shelter in Your Love Sing a New Song (Psalm One Hundred and Forty-Nine) Sister's Envy (Genesis Thirty) Sons of Vengeance (Genesis Thirty-Four) Spirit of Power (Second Timothy One, Verse Seven) Tower Strong (Proverbs Eighteen, Verse Ten) Unwavering Faith (Genesis Thirty-Three) Wings of Hope (Isaiah Forty, Verse Thirty-One) Wisdom's Call (James One, Verse Five) Your Light Guides Me (Psalm One Hundred and Forty-Three)
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