Hollow bodies, treample this land
First corrupted, then emptied of their soul
We are ruled by evil people
Who sold their soul
Those, poor unluky
That have kept the soul
Are crushed by the crused spiers
Of this kingdom
You'll feel like, you're suffocating
You will, be asked to surrender
Your heart, will seem to be stopping
The only way will seem the surrender!
Do not be fooled
This curse is an illusion
It seem able to kill you
But in reality, let you to do it
It seem able to kill you
But in reality, let you to do it
You have the power to choose
Sacrificiest the easy way
And, choose your path
Fight the course
Currupt sovergins, empyt people
Who is behind this?
The origin of evil, What is it?
Hollow bodies, treample this land
First corrupted, then emptied of their soul
We are ruled by evil people
Who sold their soul
Those, poor unluky
That have kept the soul
Are crushed by the crused spiers
Of this kingdom
You have the power to choose
Sacrificiest the easy way
And, choose your path
Fight the course
Currupt sovergins, empyt people
Who is behind this?
The origin of evil, What is it?
It seem able to kill you
But in reality, let you to do it
Be the monarch
Follow the light
Like a moth
Break the illusion!
Be the monarch
Follow the light
Like a moth
Break the illusion!