In the beginning, You spoke the light,
Breaking the darkness, day from the night.
Every word You said brought life to rise,
By Your voice alone, the earth was designed.
Who can fathom the works of Your hands?
Stars in the heavens obey Your command.
Mountains and oceans bow at Your throne,
Creator of all, You reign alone.
Let all creation sing, "Holy is the Lord,"
From the rising sun to the distant shores.
By Your Word, all things came to be,
Glory to the One who set the world free.
You are the Maker, the Author of life,
In the beginning, You brought forth light.
You shaped the heavens, breathed out the seas,
Painted the skies and filled them with dreams.
Each blade of grass, every bird that sings,
Bears the reflection of Your majesty.
Who can measure the depth of Your love?
You formed the earth and called it "enough."
All of creation declares Your worth,
The King of glory who shaped the earth.
Let all creation sing, "Holy is the Lord,"
From the rising sun to the distant shores.
By Your Word, all things came to be,
Glory to the One who set the world free.
You are the Maker, the Author of life,
In the beginning, You brought forth light.
You breathed life into the dust,
Formed man by Your perfect touch.
And You called us into grace,
To behold the beauty of Your face.
You alone are God, You alone are King,
From the start of time to eternity.
We will lift our hands and proclaim Your name,
Worthy are You, forever You reign!
Let all creation sing, "Holy is the Lord,"
From the rising sun to the distant shores.
By Your Word, all things came to be,
Glory to the One who set the world free.
You are the Maker, the Author of life,
In the beginning, You brought forth light.
In the beginning, You brought forth light,
And forever, You reign in might.