Good morning and good evening ladies and gentlemen depending on what time you are listening to this. This is TRXPPRJ world
So we're going to jump right straight into it. This album name will be Maurice
There'll be 20 something songs on this. I haven't decided yet
The old album got ditched because it wasn't stable due to people that was on the album
I'm not going to say no names or whatever or the work not being complete or
Me not getting what I needed for the album because for an album
I need things like the people, the features, the cover, all that
So and I'm not saying that that's the issue
That was
Like some reasons and I'm not gonna say no names or whatever
But that's why that album got ditched and it wasn't stable
But this album is stable. This album name will be Maurice and I think I already said that before
There'll be 20 something songs on it. This album will have sections like one through five could be love songs ten through six could be
Hype songs or chill songs. So it's just depending and that's just an example
And right now it's October
2023 so this album will be dropped in 2023
So I just wanted to let y'all know that and this is the intro
And if this is not my best album at least I put my heart dedicated work into this album
Cuz I bust my behind every day and every night for this album right here, and I just hope this is my best album
Yeah, but you know, it's what y'all want. It's not what I want
So I
Mean with that being said no, let the album roll out