Come by here
Over by there
In that little seat
Out the back, by the stairs
Come by here
Over by there
In that little seat
Out the back, by the stairs
Something in his hand
Something in his head
A cute little secret he keeps by the bed
Something in his hand
That he use with his head
A cute little secret he keeps by the bed
Didn't you hear about it
Over there
In the big stack of pillows
And beneath all the chairs
Everybody's aware
What went down over there
A little lie for an eye
A little famous for fair
Everybody's aware
What went down over there
A little lie for an eye
A little famous for fair
Everybody's aware
What went down over there
A little lie for an eye
A little famous for fair
Just once on the cheek
Hand through my hair
Just once and then leave me
In sweat sweet despair
Gimme once on the cheek
A little pat on my head
Just once and then leave me