By waking up in the morning, by loving each poisonous breath, by taking this step to the following deception, meanwhile staying sane, by walking among these foreigners, by seeing myself in your eyes, by feeding with dreams and emotions this unbearable emptiness inside...
Should it be your redemption? Or such things have to be? Could I hope for forgiveness? Or you're just hating me?! Circulum vitiosum dei exeamus. Circulum dei otiousum exeamus.
You don't have to walk the mountains high, neither dive in the deepest self. You don't need her as she could be, neither calling your enemy a friend. Take each decision like that only one, that you would make forever, ever and anon.
By waking up in the morning, by loving each poisonous breath, by taking this step to the following deception, meanwhile staying sane, by embracing all these foreigners, by losing myself in your eyes, by dreaming as painfully dying, I'll drown this desert inside.
I don't need your redemption. I don't owe you a thing. I will need your forgiveness, as much as you'll need mine.