Normies killed the internet, the internet, the internet
Nazis killed the internet, the internet, the internet
Pedants killed the internet, the internet, the internet
Content killed the internet, the internet, the internet
Branding killed the internet, the internet, the internet
Self-obsession killed the internet, the internet, the internet
Your parents killed the internet, the internet, the internet
Real life killed the internet, the internet, the internet
Dial-up internet is the purest internet
Pile-ons killed the internet, the internet, the internet
Platforming killed the internet, the internet, the internet
Misogyny killed the internet, the internet, the internet
Hate killed the internet, the internet, the internet
Nuance killed the internet, the internet, the internet
Lack of context killed the internet, the internet, the internet
Validation killed the internet, the internet, the internet
Racists killed the internet, the internet, the internet
Dial-up internet is the purest internet
Normies killed the internet, the internet, the internet
Nazis killed the internet, the internet, the internet
Pedants killed the internet, the internet, the internet
Content killed the internet, the internet, the internet