One lumpy couch
Three pans with teflon, all scratched up
I know that freaks you out
Hole in the wall
Punched straight through to something raw
I think I've felt enough
One, new mattress that I bought
Just for myself
Clean sheets and bright spots
It's just stuff
Used to seem charming
Now it's worn out
Things standing around
It's just stuff
It has no meaning anymore
Things to fill the empty space
Half empty bookshelf
With all the non-fiction picked out
No substance left
But I am left with all the novels
That juicy center that I feast on
Late nights when I'm by myself
Clean sheets and bright spots
It's just stuff
Used to seem charming
Now it's worn out
Things standing around
It's just stuff
It has no meaning anymore
Things to fill the empty space
As I move from end to end
In this apartment that I love
There are fewer hot spots
I have to draw my eyes from
Ghosts are gone
New plans
New Sunday morning rituals
New blank page
No one to tell me it'll be okay
It's just stuff
For a self claimed anti-consumer
It's just sure to leave me
With a lot of it
It's just stuff
It's just stuff
It's just stuff