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Atreyu Quotes

Atreyu Song Quotes

"Time for dreaming's done, time to face the sun"
from The Time Is Now (2018)
"I am a warrior, I walk with the gods
I am a warrior, I will never stop"
from Warrior (2021)
"What doesn't kill me makes me stronger
I am the wolf, I am the hunter
I am a warrior, I walk with the gods"
from Warrior (2021)
"If you set it all on fire
I'll be fighting 'til my last breath"
from Watch Me Burn (2023)
"Thought you had me beat
But I still cheat death"
from Watch Me Burn (2023)
"I picture you on the steps, the way you cradled your head
Remembering how you wept and now my biggest regret
Is all that I never said, I couldn't give you my best
We came apart at the threads"
from Gone (2023)
"I didn't know how to love you, I know that it wasn't fair
Think we both know who to point to, I have to live with your tears"
from Gone (2023)

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"Time for dreaming's done, time to face the sun"
- The Time Is Now by Atreyu