His wisdom is vast his knowledge unending
It seems that I had him all wrong
It was hard to un-learn what others had taught me
What I needed was there all along
His longsuffering and grace were there through it all
Through failure at each trial and test
How can two walk together except they be agreed
It's true my Father knows best
Out of my mind and thinking like him
Is just where he wants me to be
Free from the old man and his carnal thinking
In Christ where there's no enmity
This mind is a gift by his grace I receive it
And in this transformation I find
When I'm thinking his thoughts and none of my own
I'm content being out of my mind
My path to his truth has been long and winding
And I've squandered resources and time
A great lesson I've learned is that this destination
Is sooner reached traveling in a straight line
Things I thought were gain I now count as loss
And I've left all those losses behind
Resting in his provisions is where I want to be found
In his will and out of my mind