Rejuvenate this weathered face
As consciousness slips away
Solitary souls
All bound as one again
A cleanse to make your torment fade
As colors turn into grays
Now fill the shell with something more
Consuming the hollowform
As one
Solitary souls
All bound as one again
Tie down the rolling veins
Extract the lingering pain
We invade
And take their place
Loss taken from the mind
Level all that's left to climb
All senses shutting down
Feet planted in the ground
Grasp reality, though it remains unseen
Agony retreats
As ambitions leave
We invade
And take their place
Rejuvenate this weathered face
As consciousness slips away
Solitary souls all bound as one
Fixing all love has undone
Molting human desires
Removing the inner outlier
As one
Tie down the rolling veins
Extract the lingering pain
We invade
And take their place