Two eyes pried open to the light's above
All in all I've never been seen as put together
Whimper a song, stare down the shadow in the corner
Feeling lower, I just want to have you over
How much space
Can this sound take in our lives
From basement to backroom
It's stayed with me the while
To nature, or rot
It's the choices we make
By brain, or heart
It's Life given by
The held, the ghost, the hell
What's meant the most
How much grace
Is given when the wheels fall off
Is it sad or trivial
When we're forced to stop
A sigh, or last breath
Relieved, no thought left
And two eyes close softly to the light
And four sides all close in on me
A soft sigh, a slow release of time
Not tongue-tied, its just been cut from me
Well two eyes close softly to the light
And four sides all close in on me
Well two eyes close softly to the light
And four sides
Closed in a casket
What's left but thin breath