Dreams and nightmares
It's dreams and nightmares
Frequent nightmares
It's frequent nightmares
Every time I go to sleep
Things change and it all feels really strange
All I have to do is rearrange
My wage is only like five bucks and it all feels like life sucks
Dreams and nightmares
It's dreams and nightmares
Frequent nightmares
It's frequent nightmares
Every time I wake up
I forget I'm all grown up
Maybe theres always a mixup
Not a setup
I just need to stand up and get through all the things
Maybe I need to cover up my face
Dreams and nightmares
It's dreams and nightmares
Frequent nightmares
It's frequent nightmares
Is it a dream because I always scream
Is it a nightmare because they always stare
Dreams and nightmares
It's dreams and nightmares
Frequent nightmares
It's frequent nightmares